Intel’s got a neat blog post about a Brooklyn company called Kill Screen that’s experimenting with wearable controllers for the virtual world. It centers around a set of wearable sensors that monitor kissing:
Then, you notice the wires, and the gadgetry that is strapped to the guy’s face, and that, by sticking his tongue in his girlfriend’s mouth, he is steering a car on the monitor behind her. This is Kiss Controller, an artwork, act of exhibitionism, wearable interface, racing videogame, and, best of all, love, maybe…
Kiss Controller isn’t useful at all. It isn’t a pedometer for makeout sessions. It won’t make you a better kisser. It doesn’t rate your kiss by wetness nor intensity nor its French-ness (although there is a high score table that keeps track of which couples steer the car across the finish line fastest, and it gets competitive). Yet with one peck, this kittenish, voyeuristic alternative to spin-the-bottle has the potential to enrich your quality of life greater than any efficiency-monitoring app; because, on your deathbed, you won’t be reminiscing about the time you burned 500 calories.
We could quote everything here worth quoting, but we’d run full into copyright law. There’s lots more, and it’s very cute, thought-provoking and entertaining. A lot of good thinking about sensing how we move through the world and what we want to accomplish — not to mention the technical requirements of how that gets done. Worth reading.
[vimeo https://vimeo.com/36781804]