There's more signs of Glass's life in the enterprise: Google has selected five software companies as its first Google At Work Certified Partners. We met the guys at APX Labs at Glazed earlier this month, although they were demoing their enterprise data application on Epson's Moverio. Aside from its hooks into enterprise data of all kinds, what's interesting about APX is an … [Read more...]
Forbes: Google Is Set to Dive Into the Health Data Market
Forbes has "multiple sources with knowledge of the company's plans" who say that Google will soon a health data aggregation service called Google Fit. Supposedly slated to launch later this month at the Google I/O conference, Google Fit is apparently a set of APIs that will link equipment like fitness trackers through the Google cloud. If it's as described, Google Fit would … [Read more...]
Myo Design is Finished; Thalmic Sets September Ship Date
The gesture controller Myo -- part of yesterday's Salesforce wearables integration announcement -- is ready for showtime. Thalmic Labs showed a final design at the E3 gaming conference and told the Wall Street Journal that developers will get units in July, with pre-orders shipping in September. General availability is expected (hoped-for?) in the holiday season. The Myo … [Read more...]
Want an (Almost) Free Gaming Wearable?
There's not a ton of overlap between the worlds of gaming and wearable tech, which is why you're not reading much here about the big E3 trade show. But the PC gaming company Razer is trying out a notification band, kind of like a cross between a Pebble and a Fuelband. The Razer Nabu was announced this winter at CES, and like many CES-announced products, is only now sneaking … [Read more...]
First Review of LG Lifeband is Unenthusiastic
LG Electronics, the Korean consumer electronics giant, announced its bangle-like Lifeband Touch fitness tracker some months back. It's apparently shipping now, and first reviews are not particularly favorable. Youkyung Lee, writing for the Associated Press, wore it for a week and found it uncomfortable and limited. The lack of a strap caused the band to move up and down the … [Read more...]
October for the iWatch?
Recode is citing "people familiar with Apple's plans" as saying that the Cupertino giant will announce and ship its wearable product in October. Moreover, it links to someone else's report that they expect to sell 3 million to 5 million of them a month. Do note that the report appears in Recode's "CodeRed" feature, which is its dumping ground for items that don't merit … [Read more...]
Dyson Had A Glass Prototype in 2001
To celebrate its 21st anniversary, Dyson (the vacuum cleaner folks) are talking about some of the projects it's tinkered with over the years but never brought to market. Turns out that one of them was something that looks an awful lot like Google Glass. We're talking 2001 technology, so the electronics, storage, and communications aren't to contemporary standards. But the … [Read more...]
Apple Announces Healthkit iPhone App
It's not the iWatch (although the keynote at Apple's developers' conference is still going on), but Apple just announced Healthkit, an iPhone app that consolidates health information from your fitness tracker(s) -- Nike Fuelband very much included -- and can share it with your doctor. The Mayo Clinic is signing on, as is a long list of other health institutions. More, we're … [Read more...]
Acer Shows Liquid Leap Wristband
Only serious techies will remember that the big Computex show is going on in Asia right now. Acer released a raft of new products today, including the Liquid Leap wristband that it teased a little while ago. Engadget's got a good hands-on. Short version: it looks like the Samsung Galaxy Gear Fit, but will for now work only with Acer's Liquid line of phones. Availability in the … [Read more...]
Microsoft Smartwatch Coming Soon, Says Forbes
Forbes is reporting that Microsoft is prepping a smartwatch for launch as soon as this summer. The device will draw on optical engineering expertise from Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect division to continuously measure heart rate through the day and night, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the company’s plans, while the battery will last for two days, roughly on par with … [Read more...]