How about a line of clothing that has LEDs built between layers of fabric, all of it controllable from an app or responding to things like ambient temperature, your mood as indicated by your Twitter feed or the beats of music at a club? New Scientist reports that just such clothes were shown last week at the International Symposium on Wearable Computers in Zurich. The line, … [Read more...]
Hexoskin shirt goes Indigogo
Micro-investing seems to be the way a lot of wearable startups are raising money to build their second prototypes. Hexoskin, looking for $100,000 at Indigogo, looks maybe a little more advanced and thoughtful than most. The Hexoskin washable and strapless shirt has sensors that track movement, respiration, and heart activity -- just the stuff that athletes need to know … [Read more...]
Kiwi Wearable for “Developers and Normal People”
Kiwi Wearable Technologies, based in Toronto, has an motion monitor detector with what sounds like some interesting APIs. Rather than counting steps, the Kiwi Move records angular movement and can transmit real-time information to the internet; developers can use the information, the company said, to allow users to interactively create music, or to record dance, or to control … [Read more...]
A Belt That Gives Directions
Nothing can make you feel (or look) like a tourist -- or a target -- quite so much as looking down at your phone while you navigate through an unfamiliar city or neighborhood. An Indigogo project called Triposo is a belt that connects to your phone and map app, and buzzes when you need to make a turn. Different parts of the belt vibrate to tell you whether to turn left or … [Read more...]
MC10 and Sports Injuries
MC 10 is a Boston-based company that's deeply into wearable technologies that go way beyond buzzy products like watches. Bloomberg TV had an interview the other day with Isaiah Kacyvenski, a retired NFL linebacker with undergrad and graduate degrees from Harvard who runs MC10's sports segment. Kacyvenski talks about his instrumenting players with a sensor-laden skullcap that … [Read more...]