Finally, there's a sign that Google really and truly wants to turn Glass into an actual business. The search giant has signed a deal with Luxottica, one of the world's biggest eyewear companies, to develop and sell Glass-based eyewear. It's possible that you've never heard of Luxottica, but you know its brands. Luxottica, an Italian company, numbers among its many luxury and … [Read more...]
Vuzix Ships “First Commercially Available” Smart Glasses
Having finished its production tooling and having cleared regulatory hurdles (and we'd love to hear more about that), Vuzix announced today that it's starting commercial shipment of its M100 industrial smart glasses. Developers and back-orders are first in line; everyone else will get them in two to four weeks. The company's website claims that the M100 is "the world's first … [Read more...]
Evena Blade: Glasses to See Your Veins
Ever gone for medical tests or needed IV fluids, and the phlebotomist or nurse took a few years to find the vein? That may be a little uncomfortable in a doctor's office. On the battlefield, in a medical emergency, getting that vein becomes critically important. Evena Medical has a set of goggles that essentially makes your skin disappear and lets medical staff see exactly … [Read more...]
The new, less-dorky Glass
TechRepublic's Jason Hiner has a set (pair?) of Google Glass 2.0, and he's kind of liking it. The new version is built better, is less obvious, has more useful software and APIs so programmers can more easily build interesting apps, and can accommodate prescription lenses. We're still not talking about a mainstream product here, but six months has apparently made a big … [Read more...]