A couple of months ago, Jawbone took the sleep data it collects from its UP users and concluded that people are woken up by big earthquakes. Now, they've looked at their computers to see who goes to sleep when all over the U.S. It's a great post, full of interactive maps. Turns out that Brooklyn, home of Wearable Tech Insider, goes to sleep later than any other county in the … [Read more...]
Salesforce Extends Wearables Further Into the Enterprise
A couple of months ago, we wrote about how cloud software company Salesforce had started a pilot program to incorporate wearables into the enterprise. The company is back now with a progress report, having signed on a bunch of particularly interesting companies. Daniel Debow, SVP of Emerging Technologies at Salesforce, told WTI that the Salesforce Wear package now supports … [Read more...]
Jawbone Tracks Quake Response
Jawbone has produced a chart that demonstrates that the closer you are to a magnitude 6.1 earthquake, the more likely you are to wake up and move: Obvious, yes, but also interesting. First of all, it's a cool illustration of the uses of aggregated data; Jawbone checked the sleep data collected by its UP wearers and saw these interesting patterns. … [Read more...]
Smartband Business Jumped 684 Pct This Year, Says Canalys
Fitbit, Jawbone, and Samsung are leading the smartband business, says the industry analysis shop Canalys, whose earlier work has impressed us. On a worldwide basis, the smartband market grew 684 percent from 1H13 to 1H14 -- although Canalys doesn't say if that's units shipped or revenue. Due to their relationships with distributors, Fitbit and Jawbone lead the basic … [Read more...]
Fitbit Leads the Wearables World: Canalys
Anyone can project billions of dollars in the future, but counting actual shipping products is hard. The consulting firm Canalys reports that Fitbit shipped nearly half of all wearable bands in the world in the first quarter of 2014. Overall, Canalys reported, 2.7 million wearable bands shipped worldwide last quarter, and Fitbit's strength was despite the skin rash-related … [Read more...]
Are Identity and Science the Big Wearables Play?
Jawbone CEO Hosain Rahman spoke yesterday at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference and laid out two big ideas that we've been talking about a lot around here: wearables and identity, and wearables as the generator of huge data sets. Rahman talked about using wearable devices as a means to interact with other connected devices and use them to customize your environment. Think … [Read more...]
Walgreens’s Mobile App Connects to Wearables, Rewards Healthy Behavior
People who use Walgreens's iPhone and Android apps have long been able to renew their prescriptions with the app, and the company opened up its API to third parties last year. We're now seeing that the app connects to a wide range of wearable devices -- and the company is paying customers for healthy behaviors. The Walgreens Balance Rewards app will pull data from devices … [Read more...]
USPTO Issues Wearable Tech Patent to Phillipe Kahn-led Fullpower
The Jawbone Up is based on technology called MotionX from a company called Fullpower. The US Patent Office has issued patent 8,568,310 to Fullpower. There are 22 claims to the patent; this is the first and most foundational: A method of monitoring human activity using multiple sensors comprising: monitoring accelerations using an inertial sensor; identifying a user activity … [Read more...]
“The interface of the future will be invisible”
Jawbone CEO Hosain Rahman and designer Yves Behar spoke today at the Innovation by Design conference here in New York, and had a couple of interesting things to say about fashion, design, and user interface. A post on FastCompanyDesign (whose conference it is) quote Rahman as saying that fashion and technology design conflict because people use fashion to set themselves … [Read more...]
Infographic: State of Medical Wearables
If you think that wearables are a fad or something that only freaks and geeks could want, check this out: an awesome infographic from mHealthNews that deftly illustrates that it's not only freaks and geeks who are using this stuff, but docs and nurses, too. … [Read more...]