The hospitality business is one of the more obvious places that wearable technology will make an impact; we've already heard about a bunch of Google Glass trials by airline gate personnel. The site Future Travel Experience has an interesting rundown of how various airlines are using iBeacons -- devices that can track the movement and activities of individuals -- to enhance … [Read more...]
Unintended Consequences of Wearables and Travel
Here's a nice write-up from tNooz of what sounds like a great presentation by Rob Girling at the Future Travel Experience conference about the unintended consequences of the intersection of wearable tech, NFC, and travel. We particularly like how Girling thinks about how new features and capabilities of products may turn out differently than we first anticipate. … [Read more...]
8 Interesting Wearables Ideas
There's a thought-provoking list of eight concepts for wearable tech on the AITechTrends tumblr. We're not wild about all of them -- a couple of them seem to reinforce the idea that Girls Think Tech Is Icky -- but a couple are neat. One idea, unsurprisingly out of China, is for a pollution mask that also gathers data and sends it to a crowd-sourced map. Kind of like Waze for … [Read more...]